What to Do When Your Zoom Audio Isn't Working.Microphone Not Working on Zoom? Try This! - Cinch I.T.

What to Do When Your Zoom Audio Isn't Working.Microphone Not Working on Zoom? Try This! - Cinch I.T.

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- How to fix common Zoom audio problems on desktop and mobile | Android Central 

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1. Check your speaker output 2. Run the audio troubleshooter 3. Verify that all Windows Updates are installed 4. Check your cables, plugs, jacks, volume, speaker, and headphone connections 5. Check sound settings 6. Fix your audio drivers 7. Set your audio device as the default device 8. Turn off audio enhancements 9. Restart Audio Services Nov 03,  · Invalid working "path/folder" (sometimes, an invalid network connection may appear with this warning too). Change the recording location in your Zoom client and make sure it is a valid path string/folder. Other common issues. Abnormal errors such as "internal errors" (bad data stream), invalid command, or logic issues. Dec 05,  · Turn up the volume as high as possible on your speakers or headphones, and also check that Windows 11 doesn't have the sound muted. Down by the clock, select the sound icon and ensure that the volume level is set to high. Also, right-click the sound icon and go to Open Sound settings to ensure the specific output device you're using isn't muted.      

No Sounds on Windows 11? Here's How to Fix It.Can't hear other app audio when in a Zoom meeting - Microsoft Community

  I had the same problem. I solved this by changing the audio input device to same as system, both microphone and speakers. Report abuse.    
